Letters of Recommendation
The Letter of Recommendation Request Form can be downloaded here.
If you need to have a letter of recommendation written for you as part of a college or scholarship application, please provide this completed form to the “writer”. Consider maintaining a blank version of the form on your computer in the event you need to print or send to multiple writers.
LOR Guidelines:
- Who should I ask to write a Letter of Recommendation for me?
- LORs are usually written by adults who know you well and can attest to the quality of your work and character. In selecting a teacher to write a LOR for you, consider your academic strengths and the academic area you plan to choose as a major. For example, if you plan to major in the health field, it would be natural to have a Science or Math teacher write a LOR for you. If you plan to enroll in the building trades program, it makes sense to have the teacher of that program write a LOR for you.
- If you are asked to select an adult that is not a teacher, you can ask an adult who is an employer, coach, youth group leader or community club leader.
- Do not ask a close relative to write a LOR. It is not considered appropriate, unless otherwise noted.
- How do I ask a person to write a LOR for me?
- First, ask the person if they would be available to write a letter for you. Be polite and considerate of their time. Give them a completed copy of the Letter of Recommendation Request Form to help them gather information about you. If the individual declines to write a letter, do not pressure them to reconsider; simply ask someone else.
- Give the person plenty of time to write your LOR; at least two weeks is recommended.
- Know if the application requires a personal letter or a recommendation form and provide the correct information to the person. If it is a personal letter, you need to give the writer the name/address of the entity requesting the letter.
- Use the school counseling office’s LOR Form to provide the writer with information about you that can be included in their letter or form. Yes, they most likely know things about you, but every letter writer wants to be accurate. By giving them a resume of your activities, you are helping them write you a better LOR.
- Provide a stamped, pre-addressed envelope.
- If it is a recommendation form that needs to be completed, please ne sure to fill in your personal information as a courtesy to the LOR writer.
- If you plan to submit LORs throughout your senior year, let the letter writer know so that they can save a copy to edit or use in the future.
- What about recommendation forms that need completed by my school counselor?
- If a recommendation form for your college application is to be completed by your school counselor, then it will be completed and mailed with your application/official high school transcripts. If applying on-line, please be sure to download or print the form and bring it to your counselor.
- The Recommendation Form to waive or not waive?
- Most applications will ask if you waive the right to see the LOR. This is a personal decision. If you do, you will probably not see the letter that has been written for you. It will be sealed and returned to the school counseling office or mailed directly. If you do not waive your right to see it, you may have the opportunity to review the content. Be aware that a writer may opt-out of writing if they are uncomfortable with this.
- What else should I do?
- Thank the individuals who do write letters for you. They took time out of their day to do this “favor” for you. It is appropriate to let them know you appreciate their time and consideration. If their letter helps you be accepted, be sure to share the good news with them.