NCAA Eligibility Center
Athletics in College
- National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Eligibility Center
- National Junior College Athletic Association
Remember that the final decision of acceptance to a college is not based on your athletic ability but rather on your ability to meet the regular academic admission requirements. To be qualified for D-1 or D-II athletics a student must be certified as academically eligible by the NCAA. For D-III schools, the academic eligibility varies by each school/conference. Students interested in being qualified for D-I and/or D-II colleges should begin the registration process no later than the beginning of their senior year. Clearinghouse Registration will need to be completed prior to an “official” visit. To register, you will need the school’s CEEB code, 391830.
Be sure to discuss your plans on athletics and college with your parents and coaches as well as your school counseling office.
Students who play sports in high school may consider playing sports in at the collegiate level. To make that decision, students need to consider some of the following questions:
Sports are offered at most colleges and some two-year colleges / career schools. What level are you interested in playing?
- Division I
- Division II
- Division III
- junior college
Do you have the necessary skills to compete at your desired level?
- Consider input from current coaches or college coaches.
Are you mainly interested in playing at the collegiate level for scholarship money?
- ONLY Division I & II collages can offer athletic scholarship money.
Can you meet the academic-eligibility requirements?
- These requirements include core-courses beginning in 9th grade.
- There may be SAT or ACT minimum score requirements.
As you consider the option of being a student athlete, make yourself knowledgeable of the recruitment guidelines.